So this just happened

12383574_1502707270036517_358613361_nHere is a picture of Danielle filling out our adoption application (OK, we are filling it together but she has prettier handwriting) and our cat photobombing her in the back.

The application is very detailed and asks a lot of personal information and so does the whole process, but as we fill this out we are in awe that we finally have reached this point in this adoption adventure. We still have a long way to go and this is only the beginning, it will still be a couple months until we do our home study, state/adoption orientation and then on to waiting for a pregnant woman to pick us to adopt her baby, but this is where it starts and financially we are still a little more than half way where we need to be, but we will get there.

2016 so far is starting awesome!

HUGE news we need to share


OK, huge to us!

Today we received a very awesome e-mail that we were not expecting at all. Our adoption agency let us know that we are officially on the waiting list, the actual waiting list!

Let’s pause for a second and explain what this means. The agency we are working with has a list of 10 active families that are listed and their profiles are shown to potential birth mothers. When we first signed up with the agency we were added to a waiting-waiting list and now we have been bumped up to the official waiting list, of which they only allow 5 families to be on at all times. This means as families adopt their child, we move up on the list, and this means there are only 4 families ahead of us and then we are officially an active family after that, which means we will be one step closer to adopt our kid.

Oh wow!

So what happens next? This is the even more exciting part of the huge news we received. We were sent the adoption application and questionnaires for our home study and we need to fill them out before January 18th. This means…WE FOR REAL OFFICIALLY GET TO START THE ADOPTION PROCESS!!!

Yes, this is not anymore “hey we are adopting and hey we are on a list and we are waiting”, this means we actually get to begin the process of adoption. This is so crazy!

We will keep you posted on the next steps of the process, but we are both overjoyed and can’t believe that this huge step just happened!

Looking back, it was quite a year!


And just like that, 2015 is over, it’s gone and it is never coming back!


We say this because 2015 was the definition of a roller coaster for us, but in a good way. As we reminisce on what last year brought to our lives, we can’t help but to think where we were one year ago. As we were driving back from some friends house roughly past midnight, we remembered how a year ago was one of those many days when we were hoping we were finally expecting, only to be dissapointed a couple days later with that not being the case. It became a month to month occurrence for us, until we started wondering around April and May that maybe there was a reason why the test was always negative and why maybe it wasn’t happening for us.

You all know where we came from when we began our adoption journey back in June of this year (and if not, you can read our first blog post here) and as we decided we would commit to adoption, there was also a big factor of insecurity for us, specially in the financial aspect as we decided to go through the route of a private domestic adoption, which is very costly and there is no way around that. We were afraid of that huge number and were unsure if we could even ever get to that number, but it really is by the grace of God and our very loving friends and family who have helped and participated in our various fundraising events, that the number seems less and less scary every day, which not so long ago seemed like an impossible thing for us.

As we are entering 2016, we don’t know when we will get the call saying “Mr and Mrs Guerrero, we have a baby for you” or “a pregnant woman has picked you to adopt her child”, we just don’t know when that will happen, but we are taking baby steps (pun accidentally intended) to make that moment happen.

Last year was a very challenging, yet eye opening and good year for us and we are looking forward to what this year is going to bring!

Happy New Year from our family to yours!


Luis & Danielle